Author: islamnewsday

Photo by Kamal Moon As Palestinians in Gaza suffer relentless bombing and starvation, Milwaukee’s Muslim community opts for subdued Ramadan and Eid celebrations, beginning with the cancellation in March of Eat Halal Milwaukee’s Suhoor Food Truck Festival. Milwaukee usually celebrates Eid al-Fitr, one of two major holidays on the Islamic calendar, with a large community prayer service followed by feasting and a festival for families to enjoy. This year will be different. The Islamic Society of Milwaukee is expected to announce the cancellation of Eidfest out of respect for the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, ISM president Salah Sarsour told…

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A religion that grants women more freedom and rights than most has been wrongly used to colonise them for far too long The non-dismissive and dogmatic spirit of poet Fahmida Riaz’s “Chadar aur chaar-diwari” has been haunting me since March 8th. Her, ‘bring this show to an end now Sire, cover it up now. Nor I, but you need this chadar now,’ shout relevance more than ever. Her deconstructive poetry became polemical against a dictator’s harmful portrayal of women’s bodies as the symbol of honour for the nation. Years later, the enduring relevance of her dismantling verses prompts a poignant…

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An old astrolabe was recently discovered in a museum in the Italian city of Verona. It dates back to the 1100s, which makes it one of the oldest astrolabes ever found. Astrolabes are early scientific calculators that could measure time, distances, the position of stars, and even make horoscopes predicting the future. The newly discovered astrolabe has inscriptions written in Arabic and Hebrew. This shows it was used by Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Spain, North Africa, and Italy over several hundred years. As the astrolabe changed hands between different owners and cultures, people added translations and corrections. This demonstrates…

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According to the report, this growth is primarily due to strong demand from the public and the popularity of Islamic products Islamic banking holds a prominent position in Qatar, representing 25 percent of total sector assets by the end of 2023 (compared to 25 percent at the end of 2022).  According to a recent report by Fitch Ratings, this growth is primarily due to strong demand from the public, the popularity of Islamic products, and the well-established branch and digital networks of Islamic banks in the country. Read more: Qatar’s fiscal strength, gas expansion plans earn ‘AA’ rating upgrade: Report…

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Muslim.Sg is a one-stop online media platform that aims to inspire and empower millennial Muslims with powerful and engaging Islamic religious content. All praises be to Allah s.w.t. As Muslims, we believe that Islam is a religion that continues to be relevant across diverse contexts and localities. The rich Islamic tradition is not fossilised with the context of the past.  On the contrary, it is a living and active tradition that continues to evolve accordingly with the ever-changing context, guided by the lasting Islamic principles.  There are about more than 1.8 billion Muslims from different cultures and backgrounds around the…

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Among Islamic festivals, Eid Al Fitr stands as one of the grandest threads. Following a month-long observance of fasting during Ramazan, Eid heralds a time of jubilation and camaraderie. Commonly known as Meethi Eid, Eid Ul Fitr falls on the first day of the 10th Shawwal in the Islamic calendar, with this year’s festivities set to unfold on April 11, 2024. The occasion’s onset is dictated by the sighting of the moon, whereupon devotees commence their day with prayers to Allah before embracing the warmth of companionship with loved ones.Eid Ul Fitr 2024: DateThe auspicious date for Eid festivities hinges…

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New York City will pay out $17.5 million to settle a lawsuit brought by two Muslim women who claim their religious rights were violated when they were instructed to remove their hijabs for arrest photos, court records filed Friday show. Jamilla Clark and Arwa Aziz sued the city in 2018 after they were arrested for violating protective orders and ordered to remove their head coverings so mug shots could be taken, according to court documents. The city agreed to a settlement with the two and, after accounting for legal and administrative fees, is expected to pay out just over $13…

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Researchers at Cambridge University in the UK have discovered a rare astrolabe, an instrument that was the equivalent of the world’s first smartphone and portable computer that could be put to hundreds of uses. It was a portable, two-dimensional model of the universe that fit in the users’ hands, enabling them to calculate time and distances, plot the position of stars, and even forecast the future by casting a horoscope.Dr. Federica Gigante of the history faculty of the university, which was founded in 1209 and became the fourth-oldest university in the world, made the discoveries in a museum in…

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HÀ NỘI – The Institute of South Asian, West Asian and African Studies (ISAWAAS) under the Việt Nam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) hosted a Happy Iftar Day in Hà Nội on April 3, bringing together representatives of Muslim countries’ embassies in Việt Nam. ISAWAAS Director Prof. Lê Phước Minh speaks at the event. VNA/VNS Photo The event aimed to promote mutual understanding between Việt Nam and Muslim countries.Iftar is the fast-breaking evening meal of Muslims in Ramadan month – the holiest time for Muslims, which falls on the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, or…

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In the bustling streets of New York City, a tide of solidarity surged as thousands took to the pavement, their voices echoing with cries of “Free Palestine” and calls to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. Across diverse neighbourhoods, impassioned chants reverberated, denouncing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza and demanding justice for the Palestinian people. The journey of American Judaism towards Zionism unveils a complex narrative. Originating in late nineteenth-century Europe, Zionism faced staunch opposition from a significant anti-Zionist Jewish majority, a sentiment that persisted into the 1920s and ’30s despite Zionism gaining global traction. Today, amidst escalating violence in Gaza,…

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In the contemporary world, terrorism linked to religious ideologies has emerged as the dominant form of political violence, overshadowing secular terrorism. This trend is characterized by an increase in frequency, magnitude, and global scope. Religious extremists justify their actions based on an unwavering belief that a divine authority has ordained and commands acts of terror in the name of their faith. Such individuals perceive violence committed in the service of their religion as not only sanctioned but potentially rewarded in an afterlife, effectively legitimizing their actions as expressions of divine will. In recent years, terrorist incidents associated with Islam have…

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In a blessed month of Ramadan 2023, Dr. Zakir Naik was honored with two esteemed awards by Dr. Ammaar Saeed the founder of ALIM University in New York, USA. In a heartfelt moment at the video interview, Dr. Zakir Naik graciously accepted two prestigious awards from ALIM University’s founder, Dr. Ammaar Saeed. Expressing his humbleness, Dr Naik stated, “I would like to thank Dr Ammaar Saeed for honoring me with two awards… ‘Award of Excellence’ for outstanding achievements in the field of dawah and contribution to Islam globally, and the Honorary Award of ‘Doctor of Dawah’ “. And continued with…

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Nowadays, extremist organizations like the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda, and others are at the center of some of the bloodiest crises in the world, which makes them a serious threat to peace and stability. To approach this matter from an Islamic standpoint, one must have a sophisticated comprehension of the various scholarly stances. While scholars support inclusive dialogue and reform to address core causes, they also emphasize the significance of differentiating between groups with diverse agendas and using force sparingly. Action against extremism must be consistent with Islamic values of justice, peace, and compassion, and it must not exacerbate or…

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Hundreds of friends, family members, Muslim community leaders, fellow officers and NYPD officers convened at the Makki Masjid Muslim Community Centre in New York to honour the life of Pakistani American Officer Adeed Fayaz. The 26-year-old NYPD officer, a married father of two young children, tragically lost his life last week in Brooklyn during an attempted robbery. His name will now be forever remembered in his hometown. Uniformed officers lined the avenue for 20 blocks, joined by city officials, NYPD officers from his Borough Park precinct, and hundreds of Pakistani Americans, Muslim leaders, and the mayor, all gathered for the…

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Welcome to our exclusive interview with Dr. Ammaar Saeed, an esteemed American Muslim scholar, author, and chaplain. Dr. Ammaar Saeed’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith, as he has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Islam and serving as a guiding force for countless individuals worldwide. Today, we have the privilege of delving into his remarkable story and gaining insights into his profound impact on the global Islamic community. Watch full documentary Dr. Ammaar Saeed’s narrative is truly inspiring, weaving together elements of spiritual awakening, dedication to Dawah, and unwavering commitment to serving…

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The publication of a controversial book by American Muslim scholar Dr. Ammaar Saeed in 2014 continues to stir heated debates within religious communities. Titled “The Holy Bible: Most Dangerous Book on Earth,” the book has drawn significant backlash from Christians including missionaries and scholars who criticize its portrayal of the Bible as promoting immoral behaviour. “The Bible, as it stands, sings praises for illegal sex, lust, and a sexually immoral lifestyle,” Dr. Ammaar Saeed writes. “There is no morality in this pornographic book! All it teaches is how to be lustful and loose.” In defending his controversial viewpoints, Dr. Saeed…

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“Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of LGBT rights, the interplay between religious doctrines, governmental decrees, and societal acceptance presents a tapestry of complexity and nuance. While pockets of society champion the rights of LGBT individuals, there exists a contrasting narrative of opposition, notably articulated by certain religious leaders.” The LGBT community encompasses individuals whose sexual orientation or gender identity diverges from societal norms, including variations like homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, and non-binary identities. In many countries, there has been a growing acceptance of LGBT individuals, with legal protections and rights being extended to them. In a joint statement, UN and regional human…

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In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Western media’s portrayal of jihad in Islam has perpetuated misinterpretations, leading to widespread misconceptions, and fostering Islamophobia and racism globally. “The evolving interpretations of jihad and martyrdom in the 21st-century world are leading to extreme violence against innocent civilians, both Muslim and non-Muslim”, Mythen et al. (2009) The Western media, including outlets in Australia, the UK, and beyond, have often sensationalized and distorted the concept of jihad, equating it with terrorism and violence. Such misrepresentations, fueled by inflammatory rhetoric, have led to the stigmatization of Muslims and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes,…

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In 2014, American Muslim scholar Dr. Ammaar Saeed published a controversial book titled “The Aqeedah of Barelvi Deviant Sect of Islam”, which has since ignited significant backlash and threats against his life. The book delves into the intricacies of various Islamic sects, aiming to foster understanding and intellectual debate. However, it has provoked intense criticism and hostility, particularly from Pakistan, India and segments of the Muslim community. Dr Ammaar Saeed’s meticulous examination of sectarianism within Islam inadvertently stirred emotions and sensitivities, particularly in Pakistan and among certain segments of the Muslim community. His academic endeavour aimed to foster understanding and…

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August 2019, Middletown, CT – During a summer tour from New York to Middletown, Connecticut, Dr Ammaar Saeed and his family encountered a distressing incident of alleged racial profiling. The family, engaged in recording their travels and revisiting cherished memories, passed by the Armed Forces Career Center on Main Street, an area under the jurisdiction of the government and public buildings. Unbeknownst to them, their presence and video recording, while wearing traditional Islamic clothing, attracted the attention of military personnel nearby. The situation escalated when the military individuals reportedly noted the family’s license plate and potentially reviewed CCTV footage, subsequently…

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In the contemporary political landscape, four progressive congresswomen, collectively known as “The Squad,” have emerged as formidable voices advocating for systemic change and social justice in the United States. The group of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley has consistently pushed for bold legislative initiatives and comprehensive reforms. Despite their advocacy for progressive policies, “The Squad” has faced significant opposition and derogatory attacks from political leaders and fellow lawmakers. In 2019, the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association posted a meme labelling the congresswomen as the “Jihad Squad,” depicting them in a derogatory manner and associating their views…

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In a meeting between Captain Adeel Rana of the New York Police Department (NYPD) and Dr. Ammaar Saeed, discussions centered on Muslim protection and crime rates in New York City. The NYPD has been vocal about its commitment to safeguarding all communities, including implementing measures to protect Muslim residents, amid concerns over hate crimes and surveillance practices. Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban emphasized the ongoing commitment of the NYPD to ensuring public safety in every neighborhood of New York City. Despite a decrease in overall crime by 4.1%, there are notable increases in hate crimes, particularly targeting individuals based on…

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Majlis Ash-Shura of New York marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 30th anniversary with a grand banquet attended by over 450 guests. The event, held at the esteemed Grand Prospect Hall in February 2019, showcased the organization’s dedication to serving and empowering the Muslim community in Metropolitan, New York. Since its establishment in 1989, Majlis Ash-Shura has been a steadfast advocate for the Muslim community, uniting over 90 mosques and organizations under one voice. Serving as the official representative, the council offers guidance on a spectrum of critical issues, spanning political and social justice to community development. Rooted…

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NEW YORK, Ambassador Malik Nadeem Abid, Secretary-General of the New York-based International Human Rights Commission, met with Dr. Ammaar Saeed in New York City to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Indian-administered Kashmir. Speaking to Dr Ammaar Saeed discusses about the crisis in Kashmir, in New York, Ambassador Abid urged the community to intensify their efforts to raise awareness among the American public about the Kashmiri struggle for freedom. “Building greater understanding and support among Americans for the valiant struggle of the Kashmiri people is crucial,” Ambassador Malik Nadeem Abid emphasized. Ambassador Nadeem Abid, a key advocate for Kashmiris at the…

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New York, July 2018 – In a move that has sparked international controversy, Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders announced a contest to draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The contest, widely condemned as provocative and offensive, has led to significant backlash and protests by Muslim leaders and communities around the world, including in New York. In response to Wilders’ contest, many Muslim leaders and organizations organized protests to express their outrage and demand the cancellation of the event. Prominent demonstrations took place in front of the United Nations and the Netherlands Consulate in New York. Among the key figures…

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